Little Owl Spiritual Messages from Shirley Humphreys-Battie

Entry into a New Dimension

They say that madness teeters on the brink of genius.  We are hovering on the edge.  Entry into new dimensions is a bit like that. We are teetering on the brink of our next leap into a new dimension. Some have already been there and have come back to yell at us “Come on in, the water’s lovely!”. They may be thought of as mad by those who don’t know. But are they? It affects us in different ways. For some it means physical discomfort. For others, the snatches of experience make them wonder if they are ‘not quite all there’.  Well they are not – not yet- but we all soon will be.

Consider this analogy.  First there is the conception. The soul to be incarnated comes and goes at will into the foetus, experiencing, adjusting, making changes to the developing body. It may or may not experience discomfort. Eventually and inevitably it is born into its new form and life.

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